Let us know how we can help you, upload your document(s) and an account manager will contact you as soon as possible.

Before sending us your documents, please read our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions.

If your document is of a large size or in case you want to send us many documents, we recommend sending them by WhatsApp (998-2184559), email (contact@linguamundo.info), WeTransferDropbox or Google Drive.

    Send us your documents and we will prepare your quote:

    1. simple translationcertified translation (by a sworn translator with seal and signature)

    2. regular delivery*urgent delivery*


    The price of a translation depends on many factores, such as the number of words of the text, the linguistic combination (the languages), if it concerns a certified translation, with the signature and seal of a courth-authorized translator, or a simple translation, as well as the type of text (simple, legal, techinical, medical, etc.). A final aspect that is considered when determining the price is if it concerns a regular or express delivery time.

    • Certified translation with a regular delivery time*, starting at $1.40 MXN per word, excluding VAT.
    • Certified translation with an express delivery time*, starting at $2.00 MXN per word, excluding VAT.
    • Translation of legal/official documents, starting at $500 per page.

    Delivery Time

    The Delivery Time depends on many factors as well, such as the ones we mentioned above and the amount of work we are having. When you ask for a quote, we will indicate the delivery time. If you need the translation before the indicated delivery time, we will consider it to be a express deliver time* and an additional fee will be added to the corresponding price. Generally, we have to following delivery times:

    • Certificates, personal/official documents, academic documents,: 2 to 4 business days.
    • Documents with a text of 2,000 to 8,000 words: 2 to 5 business days..
    • Documents with a text of 8,000 to 15,000 words: 5 to 10 business days.
    • Documentos with a text of 15,000 to 25,000 words: 10 to 15 business days.

    * Regular Delivery Time: delivery times corresponding to the ones indicated above.
    * Express Delivery Time: delivery times faster than the ones indicated above or the ones indicated in the quote.